Interested in joining us for the next round of corestrong?!

Add yourself to the Interest list so you don't miss any details๐Ÿ‘‡


An 8-week virtual, small group strength training program for women with low back pain who want to get stronger without the fear of flare-ups ๐Ÿ’ช
โ€‹Here's what clients say about it:

"I loved the workout last night and actually woke up this morning with less back pain than usual. I canโ€™t believe the difference came from just one workout - now Iโ€™m really looking forward to doing the second one tomorrow morning."

"Really enjoying the workouts and noticing my low back doesn't feel as stiff in the morning!"


"Not only do I have less pain and discomfort, I feel so much stronger and more connected to my body."

This program is offered in the Fall and Spring.

Add yourself to the interest list and I'll notify when registration is open. There's no pressure or obligation to sign-up for coreSTRONG; it just means you'll get first dibs on all the goods and make sure you don't miss any details!


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