How to return to
high impact workouts
flaring up your back pain!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST via Zoom

*replay will be available!*

You want to push yourself in workouts again, but nervous about flaring up your back PAIN? This workshop is for you, friend!

Hey there - I'm Dr. Sam!

Your workouts are your stress release but you haven't been able to workout in months (or years) because of your back pain.

You've been doing rehab exercises for your back pain but all you want is to do is go out for a run and SWEAT again!

You're at a point where you're finally feeling ready to challenge yourself in your workouts're nervous to try because you're worried you'll flare up your symptoms and have to start back at square one. OR you've tried to kick up the intensity but you get hurt every time you try. Sound familiar?

Good news - I created this workshop exactly for you.


  • Identify which of the 3 biggest mistakes you might be making that's preventing you from working out painfree (and learn what to do instead).
  • Learn which exercises and workouts you should and shouldn't do with back pain or after recovering from a back injury.
  • Learn how to tell the difference between soreness and pain, and when it's safe to keep going vs. when you should rest.
  • Get a step-by-step guide to learn how to progress past your rehab exercises and safely build strength so you can get back to your regular workouts you were doing before you got hurt.
  • Identify what is missing from your current exercise plan and know exactly what to add in to help you get stronger and workout painfree!


  • Have already done rehab for your back pain and are ready to get back to harder, more athletic workouts, but you're nervous about flaring up your back pain.
  • Your PT or chiro cleared you to start working out again but everytime you try, you feel it in your back so you aren't sure what's safe to do and how much you should push it.
  • Have a diagnosis of herniated or bulging discs, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, arthritis, stenosis, or any other structure-related diagnosis and have already had rehab treatment.
  • Want to run, lift heavy weights, do HIIT workouts or any other high impact, high intensity exercise but don't know how to safely get there.

Join us for the LIVE Workshop: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2023

@4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST via ZOOM

(replay will be available)

Register below!

Hey there - I'm Dr. Sam! I'm a holistic physical therapist, back pain coach, and pelvic floor specialist who specializes in helping women like you get back to the workouts that make them feel strong and athletic again.

The reason I'm so passionate about this is because I've been in your shoes. I struggled with chronic back pain for more than 3 years, and even as a physical therapist, it was hard to find the support I needed to get me back to running and weight lifting again.

Nothing brings me more joy than helping women like you get back to your favorite workouts so you can feel STRONG again.

Join us by registering below.


@4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST via ZOOM

(recording will be available)

I want in!

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    This email will be used to send you information for the workshop. After that, you will automatically be added to my weekly email list. I'll never send you spam and you can unsubscribe at any time.❤️

    *By registering, you agree to the terms and conditions on my website*